Igor Shilov
PhD student at Imperial College London working on ML privacy. Big Tech dropout.

Hi, I’m Igor!
I’m currently a PhD student at the Computational Privacy Group at Imperial College London under the supervision of Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye.
My research interests include:
- 🏛️ LLM Memorization
- 🏛️ Differential Privacy
- 🏛️ Privacy of ML Systems
I’m passionate about bridging the gap between theoretical privacy research and practical applications, and the future AI policy and regulations.
I come from a strong engineering background, having spent over a decade in the industry as a Software Engineer. Most recently, I was at Meta AI as a Research Engineer in Privacy Preserving ML group. During my time there, I led the development of Opacus, an open-source PyTorch library for training models with Differential Privacy that has gained significant community adoption. I also helped design StopNCII.org, a privacy-preserving platform that uses on-device perceptual hashing to combat non-consensual intimate image sharing.
I echo the standing invitation: I like getting email and I like talking to people. Please do reach out if you’re interested in discussing research, collaboration opportunities, or the future of privacy in AI!
I can also be found in Twitter.
selected publications
- ICMLCopyright Traps for Large Language ModelsIn Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning, 2024
Press coverage in MIT Technology Review and Nature News.
selected projects
- Opacus: User-Friendly Differential Privacy Library in PyTorch
I was the lead developer and maintainer of Opacus, a PyTorch library to train ML models with Differential Privacy. With 1k+ stars on github and 300+ citations, the tool is helping to advance the state-of-the-art in privacy preserving ML both internally and for the wider community of researchers.
- StopNCII.org: Stop Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse
I have lead the team developing a privacy-preserving platform helping combat non-consensual intimate image sharing, a joint effort between Meta and a UK-based NGO running “Revenge Porn Helpline”. The platform takes advantage of on-device perceptual hashing to protect privacy. Since it’s launch, many major social media platforms has signed up as industry partners, inclusing Reddit, Snap, TilTok, OnlyFans and PornHub.
Selected press: NBC News, Bloomberg, Mashable, Cosmopolitan